My Kingdom of God Website is a platform to give you information and a way of seeing and relating to God in your life that is simple and real. Jesus in the New Testament talks about the Kingdom of God, and he often states that the Kingdom of God is this or that when trying to tell people about what he was doing and what he was teaching. Then he states the Kingdom of God has come upon you!…
What is the Kingdom of God? Is the Kingdom of God something that is happening now? How is it relevant to me today? Can I know what it is to be walking in the Kingdom of God and to know what that means for me and my impact upon others and even society at large?
Also does that mean that there is another kingdom of evil that battles against me and God’s Kingdom at the same time? If I participate in one, do I automatically become the enemy of the other?
The kingdom of heaven is like; good seed sewn in a field, a mustard seed sewn into the ground, leaven, hidden treasure to be found and purchased, yeast working it’s way through creating bread dough, a treasure hidden in the field, a merchant seeking fine pearls and finds one of great price, and a dragnet that was cast into the sea catching and gathering the good and bad fish.
Founder of God in Real Time LLC
Christian Author • Ordained Minister
Professional Christian Life Coach
Creator of MyKingdomofGod.com
I am a published author, Christian professional life coach, minister, and mentor. I have fifty-plus years of ministerial experience and seventeen years of professional counseling experience. While continuing in Christian Life Coach ministry and mission, I ‘retired’ my state license as a Licensed Professional Counselor and Supervisor with the State of Texas as of June 2021.
I have had a lifetime of experience in church leadership and ministry. My first official title was at age 15. I was licensed to preach at a local Baptist church in Roseville California as a Youth Leader. A few years later in another church Youth Pastor, and years later pastoring that same church. Since then, I have been a youth pastor 4 times and served in a number of administrative positions. In short there is not a job in the church that I have not done, serving on staff over 15 years in all.
Christian or Biblical Life Coach
In 2005 I began as a Licensed Professional Counselor. I basically worked every weekend 20 hours a week in the intensive care inpatient psychiatric care hospital. My primary focus was the faith-based program, however over the next 9 years I worked with PTSD active-duty military, general population, children, senior therapy in group, individual, and family therapy sessions.
By 2006 working under the mentorship of Dr. Frank Minirth and David Dickerson, I had developed two distinct inpatient therapy programs “God in Real Time” and “Your Life in Real Time.” These are both brief therapy programs and are based upon basic sound scriptural principles or a Biblical Model if you will for problem solving, finding one’s self, and quickly understanding one’s situation and options and thus giving people the ability to move forward.
For a Christian this means also understanding and figuring out what God is thinking and expecting of one within their particular situation. This program was radically different from any that any of my patients had any prior experience with and people responded to it dramatically. The results were profound and patients began begging for books and materials, which I began publishing in 2011.
My Clinical office work was with several offices, in addition to keeping an office going with Christian Counseling Associates for over 17 years now, I have worked out of Lakeside Life Center with Dr Vasavada psychiatrist, and Dr. Frank Minirth for a number of years the premiere Chrisitan Psychiatrist. From 2009 to 2015 I also worked for Humana Healthcare and others as an EAP counselor and case manager using positive psychology, motivational interviewing, and crisis intervention therapy.
In mid 2021 I retired my state license and severed my insurance provider privileges. In all I had treated well over 15,000 patients and clients, served 7 years full time in ‘corporate industry’, 12 years in psychiatric hospitals, 17 years private practice and worked with countless organizations, companies, universities, Airlines, and people across the nation, from Hawaii to Canada to Florida and all points in-between. It has been amazing to have worked with so many doctors, nurses, judges, mental health professionals, and just regular people.
John Brown University / BA Biblical Studies
Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
MA Marriage and Family Therapy
MA Christian Education
Azusa Pacific University, Oklahoma Baptist University,
Quartz Hill School of Theology, SE Oklahoma State University
Dr. Jay Adams, Dr. Jay Vernon MaGee, Dr. Frank Minirth