Christian Life Coaching for Marriage
Navigating the intimate relationship is by far the most challenging area of life. We can often succeed in many other areas but when it comes to that mate, life can be a train wreck. A Christian Life Coach allows you to explore what it means to be a Christian Man or Christian Woman really! How do we make that relationship not only successful but one that thrives? How does a man “Love his wife like Christ Loved the Chruch?” How on earth can a woman “submit” to a man that is all over the map? Great questions! There are answers.
What is submission and how is it abused so badly in today’s church? Nothing can be finer that true authentic love that liberates and empowers, energizing and liberating life full of love. As a Biblical Life Coach, I help couples discover what is actually TRUTH in a relationship. Further what is LOVE? I have been a Christian for over 60 years. I have been married to one woman (45+ yrs) and only been with one woman. I can guarantee you that has been the greatest single accomplishment of my life and the most difficult.
I did not get here alone, I have had dozens of mentors and role models that have invested into my life and, “I’ve picked up a few tools along the way. Let me help you navigate that path.
Christian Life COACHING FOR Life Transitions
Life is often anything but fair. How do you take impossible circumstances and turn them into major transitions that propel you forward exponentially? The Christian will experience may obstacles on his/her road to maturity and success. A Christian Life Coach can give wisdom and a viewpoint from a lifetime of experience of walking in the Word of God, walking under the leadership of many Biblical and Spiritual mentors to help you avoid pitfalls, see opportunities, recognize your blind spots and learn how to easily navigate them into what you heart desires for your life to look like. Chances are God is already working overtime to get you to some of those prayers of your own heart that you have been too afraid to verbalize. To quote an old mentor of mine, “if you want to walk on water, you have to get out of the Boat.” Sometimes God hears our spirit praying for us from deep within our own hearts and brings us into a season of unexpected or unwanted change. How you respond to it will make all the difference. Trust me I have been there.
You ever get so lost you can’t tell which end is up? Yea, me too. The greatest ally you can have when problem solving and trying to figure out what the next step is in your life is to know the TRUTH. Another perspective sometimes is all one needs to see how far or how close things are. Or, to see how benign or how dangerous things are becoming. A Christian Life Coach can greatly aid in that perspective. The Biblical World View is terribly clouded by so many bad teachers, self interested con men, self deluded prophet/ preachers, it is hard to know what is right and true. My books and materials have been tried and tested with thousands of patients in some of the most dire and desperate hours of life imaginable. Simply put, my materials have been tried in the fire and tested and directed by the Lord, and they will stand the scrutiny and test of your needs.